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GLASS ON/ let's meet in better times /spotkajmy się w lepszych czasach/

Opublikowano 29 sie 2021

Wystawa Katedry Szkła podczas Venice Glass Week 2021

Zapraszamy na wystawę pracowników i doktorantów Katedy Szkła, która odbędzie się podczas Międzynarodowego Tygodnia Szkła w Wenecji 2021 w dniach 04-15.09.2021

We look forward to seeing you next week at The Venice Glass Week 2021.

The exhibition GLASS_ON. Let's meet in better times / The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw, Poland / Glass Department/
Exhibition Reception 6th September 2021 from 6pm to 8pm.
welcome from 04-15.09.2021, every day from 10 am to 8 pm
Chiesetta della Misericordia/ Cannaregio 3548 - 30121 Venice

Locationon map TVGW 13
GLASS_ON. Incontriamoci nei giorni migliori
Ricevimento della mostra 6.09.2021 | h. 18.00-20.00
organizzato da The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts and design in Wroclaw
Cannaregio 3548/ 4-15.09.2021 | h. 10.00-20.00


The exhibition GLASS_ON. Let's meet in better times, is a presentation of works by tutors and PhD students connected with the only Glass Faculty in Poland, with history dating back to the beginnings of the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław.

Our aim is to show artists who are characterized by exceptional creative temperaments. The participants in the exhibition are masters in their respective disciplines and present individual ways of understanding the creative process itself, as well as different approaches to artistic philosophy. The exhibition Glass ON - let's meet in better times, is a reflection on the world around us and the time of isolation that has become our everyday reality. The exhibition will tell many stories through the material of glass.

We invite you to better times, the journey begins today.

Curators: PhD Agnieszka Leśniak-Banasiak and PhD Marzena Krzemińska-Baluch


La mostra "GLASS_ON. Incontriamoci nei giorni migliori "è una presentazione di educatori e dottorandi associati all'unico Dipartimento del Vetro in Polonia, la cui storia risale agli inizi dell'Accademia di Belle Arti di Breslavia. Mostriamo artisti che hanno temperamenti creativi unici. I partecipanti alla mostra sono i veri maestri nelle loro discipline, mostrano modi individuali di comprendere il processo stesso della creazione, nonché diversi approcci alla filosofia artistica. La mostra "GLASS_ON - Incontriamoci nei giorni migliori" è una riflessione sul mondo che ci circonda e sul tempo di isolamento a cui abbiamo preso parte. La mostra racconterà tante storie raccontate attraverso la materia del vetro.

Vi invitiamo ai giorni migliori a partire da oggi.

I curatori di mostra: dr Agnieszka Leśniak – Banasiak i dr Marzena Krzemińska – Baluch

info: Agnieszka Leśniak- Banasiak
zamieściła: Justyna Żak

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