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Exhibition Space Design Studio

Exhibition Space Design Studio wykł. dr Jacek Kos

The Studio's main objective is to develop the creative abilities of conscious shaping and influencing of exhibition spaces, understood to be the place of human interaction with the surrounding realities of ideas and matter. The program exposes the student to the wealth of formal means available to the designer in their quest, seeking to solve design problems.

The exhibition space is understood to be meeting space of ideas and functions which have significant purpose in conveying a message, generating a feeling and emotion, a zone for coexistence and intermingling, a neutral space where material and virtual reality collide emphasizing the aspects of constant change and the dynamics it brings with it.

The Studio lectures on finding pragmatic solutions to design problems associated with the widely understood concept of "exhibition space", ranging from staging events and marketing and public relations activities, various means of publicity and advertising, spatial installations with a specific function, exhibition stands, mobile and permanent exhibitions, staging of shows, events, concerts and performances.

The curriculum prepares the future artist-designer to integrate design challenges in an open and creative manner, to be able to skillfully respond to the call for functionality, ergonomics, design and new media. The studio equips students with an arsenal rich in formal and less formal resource tools, which provide a useful background when of defining meanings, symbols and events the world of culture and civilization.